“A gem of a book that uses everyday
language to explain profound
concepts about the inner journey.
I love it!”
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A guidebook for nurturing inner balance, healing and growth. By Lucy Tierney (with Kathryn Overall-Cass)
Inner Invitations draws on universal wisdom, offering trustworthy guidance for healthy spiritual development. It’s a spiritual growth guidebook written in non-religious language and is suitable for everyone interested in the inner journey
Learn how to exercise your innate human capacities to attune to the unique-to-you invitations for growth that arise from deep within. An adventure awaits!
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Not the ego desires for ‘more money’, ‘more power’, ‘more certainty’; but the deeper desires for more freedom, love, wholeness and balance.
Inner Invitations opens up a pathway for spiritual and personal growth for everyone.
It is based on universal wisdom that is available to all regardless of ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual orientation or gender. Rather than point to some external dogma or creed, my desire is to help you to listen for and recognise the inner invitations that arise from within you, that illuminate a path for growth that is uniquely your own.
“I wrote this book for those who are aware of a desire within them for something more.”
You believe there is an ultimate sense of meaning in life but you are wary of established faith traditions. While you reject religion, you are aware of the spiritual dimension of life and are on a journey of self-discovery, growth and healing. You want to make a purposeful contribution to the human family.
You may have grown up with an established faith tradition that you value. You have been shaped by the teachings, practices and sense of belonging in your community of faith. Yet, you recognise a longing in yourself for a deeper connection with your own depths and suspect you’ll find the Source of all being right there within you. You want to learn to recognise and trust the voice of God (or however you name “More-than-us” energy) - within the uniqueness of your own being. You sense a call to grow into more freedom, maturity and inner authority on your spiritual journey.
You may have experienced a once-positive faith in the context of a faith community that held your life intact for a time with moral guidelines, clear ‘do’s and don’ts’ and life direction from a trusted external authority. There are many ways this previously safe container can crack open, leaving you exposed and disoriented. You may discover in this book an invitation to a safe form of engagement with a loving “More-than-us” energy within you that needs no label. The universal wisdom in this book may help you to listen within, to learn to trust yourself and the gentle, healing life-impulse within you as you find your way forward.
This book is for you if:
Inner Invitations is an experiential guidebook for nurturing inner balance, healing and freedom.
Inner Invitations offers insights and practices to help you find your authentic path for personal development and spiritual growth by accessing inner wisdom.
In this wise and generous book, Lucy Tierney draws on her extensive experience as a spiritual companion in articulating the universal wisdom of inner growth dynamics that operate both within and beyond traditional forms of faith and spirituality.
“When we tune into our inner reality, we can begin to balance our conscious and unconscious domains and become aware of the inner invitations for growth that are uniquely ours.”
— Lucy Tierney, Author of Inner Invitations
An outline of what you get with the Inner Invitations guidebook for growth.
The “2” minute morning practice is disarmingly simple yet profoundly powerful. It will support you to live a more conscious life that enhances balance, freedom, and healing. You’ll learn how to begin the day by listening within and staying in tune with what arises.
The “5” minute evening practice effectively supports you to move-in-flow with inner invitations that are for growth. This practice strengthens positive new neural pathways and balances strong auto-pilot patterns that are not longer needed.
Living your life spontaneously in each now moment.
The wisdom embedded in CHAPTER ONE will help you to meet the day with more inner openness and balance.
Pausing to notice emotional energy movements and residue. Learn how to prevent emotional residue from escalating into undesirable behaviour patterns.
Noticing emotional energy patterns within you-in-your-skin. Expand freedom by holding negative grooves in conscious awareness and modifying them over time.
Deepening consciousness of inner stretching-edge invitations. Become aware of inner stretching-edge invitations embedded in emotional energy movements.
Exploring what inner invitations reveal and taking action for greater balance. Strengthen the human capacity to tune into intrinsic revelations of invitations.
Sorting inner invitations from “pull-down” or
“pull-back” energies. Learn how to discern counter-movements and clear the decks for less inner struggle.
Choosing growth as an alternative to being “driven”. Strengthen your innate human capcity to say “Yes!” to inner invitations that are for growth and healing.
About Lucy Tierney
Lucy Tierney is a spiritual companion, retreat facilitator, and inner wisdom teacher based in Brisbane, Australia. In her work she draws on insights from Jungian psychology, her evolving spirituality formed in the Christian contemplative tradition, and her experience of a common Source at the root of all wisdom traditions. Her passion is to serve the human family by developing processes and practices that make the potency of inner journeying accessible to anyone interested in nurturing inner growth.
Praise for Inner Invitations
E-Book PDF
“The wisdom pathway outlined in this book is informed by Teilhard de Chardin’s understanding of an inner vital impulse of evolutionary love as being that which cares for us and is with us and ahead of us to draw us into greater healing, growth and balance”
— Lucy Tierney, Author of Inner Invitations (Coming Oct 2023)
Lucy’s work featured in new handbook published by SDI Press
An essay by Lucy Tierney was published by SDI Press in the 2022 handbook, Spiritual Direction in Australia: Research & Practice. It offers a rich array of academic essays on spirituality and spiritual direction from Australian researchers.
“In her writing, Lucy adopts the deftness of a surgeon and the ingenuity of an artisan as she takes the reader through the steps in becoming more awake, aware and alive to themselves and life.
She employs stories of her own struggles and insights, as well as those she has known, to light the path to discovering the depth of the command to “know thyself”.
Patrick Oliver | Author, Spiritual Director, Retreat Leader
Emotional and behavioural grooves can become so deep and familiar that they become part of our identity. When we are habituated to a certain emotional response pattern, we often assume that “this is just who I am”. We are no longer running the pattern. The pattern is running us.