An atheist, a nun and a songwriter walk into a bar…



It sounds like the set up for a good joke, doesn’t it?  

But actually, it’s a fun description of the unlikely combination of people who joined forces to bring Inner Invitations into existence.

My book, Inner Invitations: a universal wisdom guide for nurturing inner balance, healing and growth wouldn’t exist without two people – Larry O’Toole and Kathryn Overall-Cass.  

The unusual partnership of an atheist, a nun and a songwriter, brought a potent energy to the creation of this book. The end result holds the potentially explosive energies of polarisation, transcended into a common bond of experience, mutual respect and unified purpose.

The Atheist: Larry O’Toole

For over a decade, Larry O’Toole has been my partner-in-purpose in articulating a spirituality system that uncouples the universal dynamics of human spirituality from exclusively religious language.

He’s an atheist with a commitment to personal growth, and one of my dearest friends. Larry is passionate about making purposeful inner growth accessible to the average man and woman on the street, without religious dogma getting in the way.

Larry’s hopes for Inner Invitations

“Self-awareness was always of interest to me and over the years so much of Lucy’s wisdom rubbed-off onto me.  I developed a desire to learn it, practice it, and share it.  More than anything, I wanted it to reach ordinary people using “those-in-the-street” language.  I think we have achieved that in Inner Invitations. I hope this book invites people who wouldn’t touch religion with a barge pole into a fulfilling adventure of inner growth - just as it has done for me.”


The Nun: Lucy Tierney

I am a nun who has lived out my spiritual journey in “ever widening circles” since entering my vocation at 17 years of age. I move freely within and beyond the faith tradition that has formed and supported me.

Some years into our purpose-partnership, Larry asked, with some trepidation, who ‘God’ was for me? My spontaneous response was “Energy” – a single word that expressed my own inner growth adventures and my witnessing of a Life-giving force active within the core of each person, whatever name they gave to that experience. We have come to name this as “More-than-Us” energy.  It works for us.

Lucy’s hopes for Inner Invitations

In this book, I seek to enable individuals to access universal wisdom by exercising innate human capacities for inner inquiry.  When accessed, this wisdom enables anyone to enjoy the adventure of an inner journey that nurtures personal and spiritual growth. I hope that what you discover in these pages will lead you to your own inner core and provide you with simple strategies that enable you to experience the potency of pausing and listening within to inner invitations for growth that are uniquely your own. 


The Songwriter: Kathryn Overall-Cass

Kathryn Overall-Cass has been my writing partner for Inner Invitations. As a songwriter/writer, she brings her giftedness in creativity and communications to my work.

As a fellow spiritual companion, she resonates with the heartbeat of my spirituality system, the “vital impulse” that energises life-giving invitations for growth deep within each person.

Kathryn brings the light of clarity and coherency to the wisdom insights and practices explored in this book.

Kathryn’s hopes for Inner Invitations

“Writing Inner Invitations with Lucy has been a wonderful gift for my own growth. I hope people do more than just read the book! I hope they experience the wisdom on offer by experimenting with the practices for themselves. Most of all, I hope it invites people into a healing adventure of attuning to the gentle growth-urgings of Spirit that press from within, inviting us to consciously participate in the grace of our own transformation.”

Buy Inner Invitations Now

Available as PDF Ebook below, or as Kindle and Paperback via Amazon.


Inner Invitations: a universal wisdom
e-book for nurturing inner balance, healing and freedom.

This e-book from Lucy Tierney offers potent and practical wisdom for growth. You’ll explore insights and practices to help you find your authentic path for personal development and spiritual unfolding. Learn to exercise your innate human capacities to balance your conscious and unconscious domains in the service of freedom and healing. An adventure awaits, as you dare to go within and discover the unique-to-you invitations for growth that arise from your deepest Self.


Why universal wisdom?


After the launch…my thoughts on Lucy Tierney’s new book.