After the launch…my thoughts on Lucy Tierney’s new book.


My reflections on Lucy’s Tierney’s new book after attending the launch of Inner Invitations


Anyone walking in the footsteps of Jesus in our times, seeking to connect with “the world” and our life and living in it, has most likely heard of Richard Rohr.

Some may have even studied those who went centuries before him, the Mystics who saw beyond what was visible and tangible to the naked eye and the average person. They spoke of connectedness in ways often new to us.

More recently, scholars are drawing on the field of quantum physics and related sciences in an effort to identify and describe “what” is both within and without us that binds us to each other and to everything. And we find God in a new and exciting way in that search. We experience a sense of energy and connectedness,

I recently attended the book launch of Inner Invitations by Lucy Tierney with Kathryn Overall-Cass. And this is the book I’ve been waiting for.

Inner Invitations is a universal wisdom guidebook for nurturing inner balance, healing and freedom. An adventure awaits, as you dare to go within and discover the unique-to-you invitations for growth that arise from your deepest Self.

This book holds great value as a companion volume of practical exercises that ought sit next to the others on our bookshelves.

This goes beyond reading about the knowing and understanding of the nuts and bolts of spirituality. This book takes us into all that and leads us through it on a  daily basis.

It takes nothing for granted and shows us the way into what lies within and without, what connects me as an individual to all else. “

It’s easy to skate along the surface of life, unaware of what is going on beneath our to-do lists and newsfeeds. However, we do have an in-built capacity to pause and go within” (page 45).

Lucy fills the book with simple exercises to help us sit, feel, sense, reach out to and reflect on our world, both inner and outer.

Lucy, along with Kathryn, Justin (a colleague from the 1990’s) and Larry (a colleague from the present) launched the book amongst people she has known for 40 plus years, including companions from the Sisters of St Joseph with whom she has walked through life for more than 60 years.

With her usual insightful, and clever style, Lucy imbedded the launch into her presentation to members of the Australian Network of Spiritual Directors (ANSD) on their scheduled Reflection Day.

And typically, she led us, step by step, through a process that both shared the evolutionary history of the book and took us into the realities it presents.

“Being present to how relationship with More-Than-Us reality, unconscious arisings, and the experience of disturbance have potential to connect our conscious mind and unconscious arisings”. She showed us “strategies that enhance inner freedom, balance and healing”.

Lucy in her life and in this book, has captured what Irenaeus proclaimed all those years ago: “The glory of God is (woman) fully alive, but the life of (woman) is the vision of God” (Adversus Haereses 4.20.7)

Inner Invitations is Available Now!

Available as PDF Ebook, Kindle and Paperbook

Inner Invitations: A universal wisdom
guidebok for nurturing inner balance, healing, and freedom.

This 216 page book from Lucy Tierney offers potent and practical wisdom for growth. You’ll explore insights and practices to help you find your authentic path for personal development and spiritual unfolding. Learn to exercise your innate human capacities to balance your conscious and unconscious domains in the service of freedom and healing. An adventure awaits, as you dare to go within and discover the unique-to-you invitations for growth that arise from your deepest Self.


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Carolyn Doherty’s personal reflections on Inner Invitations by Lucy Tierney